I had big hopes and dreams for my new blog that I had set up before the 2011-2012 school year began. However, once school started and the chaos of the new year set in, my hopes and dreams were lost amongst all the papers to grade and lessons to plan. My husband and I also became parents in March to our sweet little boy so that has taken priority over everything else, as you can imagine.
I'm taking the 2012-2013 school year off from teaching, and I am taking on a part-time instructional assistant job at a school nearby; therefore, I won't have much to post as far as lessons I've planned or projects my students have completed. I would like to continue (well, actually, begin) blogging though. I am thinking about what I want to focus on...maybe ideas I want to use when I get back into the classroom...maybe projects I complete around the house. We'll see. Any suggestions??